AFTER SCHOOL 2020-2021

The program will consist of variety of enrichment activities: yoga, mindfulness, drama, art, cooking, STEM, music and movement, fitness, outside play and more.  All while learning Spanish!

Registration will open soon!

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After School Registration at Smarties Academy 2019-2020! 

The program will consist of variety of enrichment activities: yoga, mindfulness, drama, art, cooking, STEM, music and movement, fitness, outside play and more.  

It will run in accordance to the City Schools of Decatur and Dekalb County School District and is open to all children Kindergarten -5th Grade. 

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Transportation will be provided Monday through Friday for the following schools: 

Clairemont, Weschester, Oakhurst, Winnona Park, Tally St, Glenwood, Fernbank


St. Thomas More, twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays

 Please note children will be required to bring their snacks.  NO PEANUTS allowed. 


To secure a spot for the after school, a cash or check deposit of one month’s tuition must be submitted. The Deposit will be applied toward your child’s last month of after school. Payments for every month thereafter is due no later than the 5th of that month. No prorated amounts or refunds. 

Please note the program is first come first serve.  

To register, contact for registration instructions.