Summer Camp 2020
Summer Camp 2020
It is that time of the year to begin planning for the summer! Registration for Smarties Summer Camp 2020 is
now open! Please see below for details.
Our summer camp program consists of different themes/studies per week along with enrichment activities such as STEM, art, yoga and mindfulness, sports, cooking, and more. The activities will be facilitated in a bilingual setting (both English and Spanish.) Spanish experience not required.
WHO: Elementary ages, rising 1st graders through 5th grade. (Children starting Kindergarten in 2020 are not eligible.) This will be on a first come first serve basis.
HOURS: The summer camp is 8:00am-5:00pm. Drop off is no earlier than 8am and pick up is no later than 5pm.
COST: The cost for each week is $355
Individual days not available
ONLY DAY CAMP- August 3rd $95
In order to secure your child’s spot, payment and online registration along with supporting documents must be submitted
MEALS: Meals available upon request. $30 per week for breakfast, lunch, and snack. Children may bring a packed breakfast, lunch, and snacks- NO PEANUTS ALLOWED ($6 for August 3rd- single day camp)
CANCELLATION: $50 registration and processing fee per child will not be returned. Withdrawal notice must be in writing via email. There are no transfers or refunds for unused/unattended dates.
PAYMENT: Payment can be submitted in cash or check form (made payable to Smarties Academy.)
Dates in accordance with City Schools of Decatur
Architecture/Engineering around the world Part 1 and 2
Ever wonder how magnificent structures around the world came to be? What was the process start to finish? Who is involved? How long is the process? Travel with us as we learn about the architectural wonders around the world!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Part 1 and 2
Why are the Three R’s so important? What impact does it make in our lives? How can we contribute to the overall well being of our environment? Lets learn about how we can protect our planet, what we can create with recycled materials, and why it is important!
Music and Theater
Immerse yourself in the arts this week! Children will learn about music, instruments, theater, and other performance concepts. Children will learn to find or enhance their voice- an important tool not just for performing but also for everyday experiences.
Robotics and Coding
How do robots work? What does coding mean? Join us for this fun week and learn about the impact technology has in our lives and why it is important.
2D and 3D Art
Join us as we explore various materials and forms of art. Learn about new techniques and art processes. Be ready to create many masterpieces!
Natural Resources and Sustainability
This week we will learn about natural resources. What are they? Where can they be found? Why are they important? What different ways do people use them? Come explore with us as we learn more about this topic along with sustainability and why it is so important?
Smarties is pleased to offer MyProcare, a free online portal for you to register your child. MyProcare is safe, secure and created with your convenience in mind.
FIRST: Verify with Smarties Academy that there is availability for the weeks we offer:
Registration will require a few steps:
Verify account (For new families)
Online registration and payment in full
Sign and Submit Parent Handbook Agreement
To secure your child’s spot, all steps must be completed.
Step 1. Verify Account
-Existing Smarties families can simply log in
-For new parents, please email that you are interested in our summer camp. Provide your child’s name, gender, and date of birth. Also include you and your spouse’s full name, phone number, and
email address. Smarties will then create an account and you will have to verify.
Go to
Enter your email address (the email we have on file) and choose Go
Enter the confirmation code sent to your email, choose a password, and press Go
Step 2 Online Registration and Payment
-Once logged in to My Procare, under “alerts,” click on view”
-Click on "Begin registration"
-Select your child's name and click on "Select programs"
-Select the “Summer Camp 2020” and Click on "Register"and then "Review child information"
- REQUIRED: Add at least one emergency contact other than parents. Phone number AND full address also
-Add any additional emergency contacts/authorized persons. Mobile carrier can be left blank if unknown.
- REQUIRED: Add Doctor information in Contacts.
-Fill out all other areas in the next sections click submit until the registration is complete.
Total charge will state $0.00 as online payment is not available at this time.
-Payment accepted in cash or check form. Please make all checks payable to Smarties Academy.
Please include the weekly fee plus meals if Smarties will provide meals.
Step 3. Parent Handbook Signature
· Current Immunization Form 3231
· Medication Forms if needed (Included in Handbook)
Please submit hard copies by mail or in person (BOTH Parents must sign ALL documents.) For any questions,